
Collaborator Name
Research Project Scientific Products
Luis Polo Parada, Ph. D.
University of Missouri
Photoacoustic Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells
  1. International peer reviewed articles:
    5 articles. Refs.: 24, 25, 28, 31 and 33.
  2. National peer reviewed articles:
    1 article. Ref.: 6.
  3. Co-advisor on Master thesis:
    1, Franciso Ignacio Ramírez Pérez.
Dr. Moisés Cywiak Garbacevich
CIO, A. C.
Solution of the Wave Equation in the thermoeslatic model for the photoacoustic model.
  1. International peer reviewed articles:
    2 articles, Refs.: 27 and 35.
Dr. Crescencio García Segundo
Photoacoustic Imaging
  1. International peer reviewed articles:
    2 articles, Refs.: 27 and 35.
Dr. Crescencio García Segundo
Photoacoustic Imaging
  1. International peer reviewed articles:
    2 articles, Refs.: 27 and 35.
Dr. Juan Luis Pichardo Molina
Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A. C.
Applications of the frequency domain photothermal techniques